Birthday Cake…{Yum} October 8, 2011 by Melinda 3 Comments Made this for a family birthday this weekend. Recipe coming up on Wednesday! :-) Just thought you might want a sneak peek to whet your appetites. ;) Share this:PinterestTumblrTwitterEmailFacebookLike this:Like Loading...
Bonnie Siems says October 11, 2011 at 12:32 am Oh, that looks amazing!! Can’t wait to see the recipe! :D Reply
Mike says October 18, 2011 at 1:24 am It looks like a winner. I can come for desert. My daughter and I are strawberry folks. Reply
That looks delicious!
Oh, that looks amazing!! Can’t wait to see the recipe! :D
It looks like a winner. I can come for desert. My daughter and I are strawberry folks.